- August 8, 2019
Today, we’re highlighting a collection of short podcasts.
“In some far off place, Many light years in space, I’ll wait for you. Where human feet have never trod, Where human eyes have never seen. I’ll build a world of abstract dreams And wait for you.” – Sun Ra
And then it was time for him to leave.
The Neptunian boarded the space elevator, and without a wave or goodbye, he shot up into the sky, disappearing in the clouds.
Moments later, millions of little paper airplanes came floating down onto the world. On each of them was a message:
“To those with one eye open,
Your world lives as a paradox, always shifting, morphing, but not ever really changing. Humans have tools to connect with each other, yet you have forgotten how to feel for one another. It’s like reaching for a hand to hold only to flinch when you touch fingertips.
The greatest lesson I’ve learned from you, my friends, is that words are a potion. They are a type of weather, a product of different elements that, when acting in harmony, have the potential to spawn storms and create the conditions that nurture seeds into food.
With your words, you can pick locks and become designers of your own worlds. And in concert, you can form solar systems, even galaxies. Speak your truth. Speak the future. Weave your stories together.
Together, dream.
I too have dreamt.
While laying in a field somewhere in South Africa, a June bug crawled on my face and tapped danced its way across my nose. It was the first time I felt tranquility and bliss on this planet.
I dream of that type of peace for your entire world. It does exist here.
My parting gift is an invitation to travel the spaceways.
For all interested, simply visit this video to board my space elevator. Press play and then look up.
When you arrive at your destination, ensure you look back in search for the tiny blue dot among the stars. It’s your home, but not your only home.
And, most importantly, listen to your young ones. The children here, they’re like comets.”
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