You don’t have to fly around, move things with your mind, or be a God to be a superhero. In this podcast, our very own Jadyn Nguyen will show you that everyday superheroes exist all around you. The Superhero Mindset is a show that argues that people don’t need to be fully prepared to successfully face the challenges life throws at them. Like our favorite superheroes, we must confront our villains to realize the full potential of our power. You’ll listen to guest interviews throughout this series to explore how the Superhero Mindset shows up in the lives of our family, community leaders, and close friends. Plug in and discover your hero journey!
Thank you to our wonderful partners at House of Pod/Amped for their production assistance and unyielding support for youth voices.
This is a YEBO POD production.
You ever notice how in Superhero Movies, the superhero is RARELY evenly matched against their villain? I’m talking Luke vs. The Emperor, Aang Vs. The Firelord, and the Avengers vs. Thanos. Yo for crying out loud Aang was only 12 years old and he had the responsibility of defeating the built AF Firelord in order to bring balance to the four nations.
In the end, those Superheros typically defeat their villain and bring peace to whatvever world/ universe that they live in.
Hey, my name is Jadyn Nguyen, I’m the Ideas Bender with YEBO — my new podcast will explore this new idea we’re calling the Superhero Mindset. This show will open your point of view because this, the lesson of not being fully prepared however still finding a way to succeed, doesn’t just apply to fun Superhero movies, it applies to our lives here on the planet we call Earth or reality as some might call it.
Here’s the punchline.. You won’t ever be fully prepared for the challenges life throws at you.
Life is mashed potatoes, they don’t look great but we still eat em. The game we call life isn’t over unless someone says it’s over.
And I don’t see you, yes you, the listener, as someone who easily gives up against the status quo.
On our show, we’ll be listening to guest interviews throughout this series to explore how the Superhero Mindset shows up in the lives of our family, community leaders, and close friends.
Plugin your headphones, press play as you begin your commute, we’re going live on this journey. Join me. This is the Superhero Mindset.
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