In this episode, Isaura is joined by homie of the week Jhoni Palmer to discuss life as a Gemini, the harms of social media on youth and the reality of confidence.
Alright, Let’s talk about being simps again. OK? We’re back to it. We’re back to it, so basically. Yeah, I’m saying I don’t get ******. I like, OK, no, I’m not a simp. I am a simp. So I’m very cold and I’m very mean until you get me there. I don’t think you’re mean at all. Really. Well, you’re a woman. I’ll give you that much. You are a woman. I think you’re gorgeous. I love you. I value you. I mirror these, though. Yeah, I definitely love it. I’m like, and thank you so much for being on this very first so crazy. So welcome to the very second episode of unapologetically Isaura. To my own self, so unapologetically Isaura is my honest, real and raw takes on the world. I want you, the listener, to feel almost as if you’re listening to a comadre, a bestie, or even somebody really you trust, right? I am your Hostess, Isaura, somebody that is beautiful chaos. And I usually say this because, like, I’m a very eccentric person and I’m, I’m like a lot of places at once. But it’s beautiful and it’s coordinated in the same way. So we’re just here to sit down and talk about some things, get some things off A twist off our hands. ******* suck. I have something to say. So the beautiful voice that you hear on the mic today is Miss Jhoni Palmer. It’s her. So who are you babe? Oh my God. ****. Ohh maybe a bar through. I’m like wait, what? You’re like, what is going on here? Like right. I I agree with my previous sentiment that I I think I just give off very like chill anti vibes on scene. Not quite motherly, you know, not quite early because I still support the foolishness, but I do want you to care about yourself and care about who you are. And I think I show up in the world as a very empathetic person and someone who truly loves people. Right. But also watch your ******* self, you know what I mean? Like, respect me and I’ll respect you and I care about you. I’m very eccentric, very loud, very bubbly. But at the same time I’m gonna protect my peace. So let’s give it on to the support to be in bed as plug. But also don’t be ******* stupid. But also like get good grades, right? No, but watch yourself. You know me. Like you and your friends want to sneak out to a party and you need somewhere to go after you get drunk. You can’t go home and tell your mom come over. But I’m telling you. Don’t be surprised when you find out. I like the camera, right? That’s beautiful. To like put it and say it, because I think I’m a very. I don’t know if it’s a motherly. Hmm. But I definitely give some type of matriarch vibe. I agree. You know what I mean? And I mean, I like, I’ve I’ve heard of this, like, thing called a community mother. And I definitely think. I don’t think that’s my role either. You know what I mean? So I love that you described it that way. I feel like that’s very much who I perceive myself as. Like I’m not your Mama. I’m not your Mama. I’m sorry. I am. There’s too much. I’m not gonna take baggage. I’m not going. I want you. I will encourage you to take care of yourself. And if I have the tools to provide to help along your journey, girl, go ahead. But the way I know Johnny and the way that we know each other, right? We met in high school did. Damn, we’re getting old. Ohh, so we definitely know each other from service and leadership. We’ve met each other through. We really met each other through social justice. And again, I say this again, like you were very clicky when I met you. You were a very intimidating person to like. Be around. And I mean, yeah? And I mean, also I will acknowledge that it also might have been my internal light bias because again, you are very strong black woman, right. So I think at that time, I was very much battling those internal, internal biases, right, of you were very strong and that intimidated me and that scared me. But I also respected it. Thank you. Also thank you for acknowledging that. Yeah, right. I’m like, because it’s true, right. And one thing about me is like. Not shy about the **** that I’ve done. I I’ve told you everything we’ve got a few times. Yeah, I’ve told you all the function. And I’m not scared to check myself because at the end of the day, I can’t call myself an ally or I can’t. I don’t even like calling myself an ally, necessarily, because ************* ally you wouldn’t accomplish because yeah, because allyship is just I’m white. Yeah, it’s so white. And I’m just like, it’s not me. But in all sincerity, yeah, like we reconnected a year ago, literally a year ago almost. And we realized we were like this air slide should be clicking. She kind of a mirror. You were like, wait, you were funny this whole time. No way. Now she got me cackling. OK, OK. And I was like, yeah, I got jokes, you know? So, like, I love that you, like you talked about earlier, having independence or like wanting like other people to be independent themselves. Because I’m not gonna mother you, I’m not gonna coddle you. Because that directly leads us into our very first segment of the thing, which is called the moon and stars. And for those of you that don’t know, this segment is for I usually get my guests and for future references, I’ll get my guests on an app called time passages. Which you can put your information in and it will tell you about all your chart, all your whole chart and like where each thing lies where, right? Hmm. chart. I look specifically at your big three. Which is your son, your moon, and your rising. so and then we talk about it and we talk about it for just a sense for our listeners to get realization of who you’re listening to, what respective you’re listening from and where their perspective lies, right. I’m scared and I will always repeat this, even though it’s not about me. I’m a I’m a Virgo moon in Aquarius Sun and a Leo Rising. So get the **** into it. Do you really do? But I tell you, I’m basically a Leo woman like that us and my tarot card is the Empress. Ohh yeah. So that’s my tarot card. Yeah. And it’s you. And other embrace is known to represent Leo Energies. So there you go. OK, so ***** you’re a double Gemini. Ohh. **** you’re a double Gemini. I was so shocked when I looked at that because I was like, wow, really? Yeah. A lot of people. Like, when I tell people they’re like, what’s your sign? I’m like, I’m a Gemini. They’re like. That makes sense *****. Like, it didn’t make sense, but I was like, this pitch is really a double Gemini. And I was checking the sense of like, it did make it clicked, it clicked, it clicked. People saying that I gotta, gotta, gotta give him a side eye because the Gemini slammed her. Let’s clear it. Hold on, hold on. Jabini slander, come here. Give me a second. Right here. Just right here. And for those of you listening, I’m pointing at the take a look into my eyes, babe. Look into my eyes. The Gemini slander. OK, first of all, it’s clear that whole First things first. If a Gemini does not **** with you. Clear. It’s, it’s it’s. I mean, obviously it’s quite obvious. So Geminis are known for duality, right? Geminis no. For, you know, you guys know with who and when. Hmm. Right. So the biggest issue is that people, oftentimes they’re like, I don’t know if she does it. Like I feel like she doesn’t **** with me because they don’t. Yeah. If you feel it, it’s because you don’t. Probably don’t. Honestly, that’s how I felt when I first met you. Let me think. I was like, I don’t think she doesn’t. I don’t. I don’t know she. You didn’t know me well enough. I don’t think I knew you well enough to like dislike you. But I didn’t like you, right? Does that make sense? Yeah, definitely. I didn’t have an opinion on you, if that makes sense. I think the bit of opinion I did have was influenced by, I don’t know, like, when people are happy. No, when people are too happy. Ohh I’m just like what the **** is wrong with you? I’ve heard that a lot. I’m like ***** why are you so bubbly like my life? Shut up bro. I don’t care that you’re at peace.
Because I prefer. I have heard that so much in my life. Like, people that worked with me at McDonald’s used to hate me because it was so popular. And finally, McDonald’s makes me lie down. I’d be. You just got burned by the grease trap. No, no, you aren’t. Welcome to McDonald’s. He saw that. What can I get for you today? I’m driving off. Nothing. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m good. I’m well. Yeah. Yeah. I’ve heard that a lot. Which. Fair enough. And now that I’ve gotten to a great strategy, that makes sense, right? But you guys are just human beings, like really just energetic entities that really like float through life and the way that you choose to. And you guys know what face to put on for each person. So when a Gemini shows you a face of authenticity or that you give aspects of yourself to everybody, and even though each aspect isn’t necessarily not you, it’s a piece of, you know what I mean? With that, I’d have to say I always, cuz Jim Annis are too spirited in nature. You know what I mean? Like our sign is quite literally twins. It’s two people, a masculine and feminine energy that exist inside one body is exactly what a Gemini is. And with that being said, Geminis are also very complex individuals and I don’t think people realize that there is a do I want to say darkness? I don’t know if I necessarily want to say I don’t think darkness is. Gemini. But I don’t. I don’t wanna say darkness in the way that like, people perceive it of course. Like think of like a negative connotation, right? But I wanna say that there is a very light hearted and very like dark aspect that exists within Geminis. That’s right. And when those two energies fuse together, that’s crazy. There’s some **** going happen, right? Like what happens? What creates a tornado? Cold and hot wings, you know what I mean? So then when someone who can exist in both of these realms simultaneously shows up, right? And you can’t, right? That’s crazy. You’re gonna get ****** ** right? Yeah. Get caught up in the whirlwind, baby. So no, definitely. And I’m like, I totally agree with you. And also you guys are very much associated with communication and logical thinking, right? So every communicator, you know what I mean? And you guys have a very conscious mind. So all that duality is just based on having to be able to see the flips flip side of each coin, right? Which I think is totally valuable for being an air sign because we’re very airy. Very airy. Our air signs were airheaded as hell. Ohh, common sense. Don’t be common sense. And sometimes,
hey, we’re intellectuals, though you are. So Geminis are known for being intellectuals as well. So you’re very ******* smart. But you can be an airhead. Yeah, you definitely can be an airhead. One thing that I did read though that I was like, yo, this is ******* Johnny to a Max. It says you move through life like a butterfly. Engaging and varied experiences to gain knowledge. I liked it. I I think it was. I think it was given it was given this Johnny Palmer giving me ohh no I think it’s Umm. Yeah, I feel like I agree with that sentiment just because sorry, I keep turning my head. You’re good, you’re fine. You could just look at each other. Ohh, I 100% agree with that sentiment because I am a person, especially within the last year or so of my life, really stepping into my adulthood and being able to exist outside of. Restriction of like parental restriction, if that makes sense, right? But I have just, I always just do random ****. I’m just a person who is going to do random ****. And I’m like OK, what did we learn right? What did we learn? And like I am heavy on learning through experience. If you do not have a lived experience in any aspect of life, you do not have a leg to stand on. because where we connected so much, right? Was I think. I don’t even think. Well, I do have lived experience, right. But I think you in a way we connected on our intellectual level. Hmm. I’m saying that to say that I think you also are like very attached to people that have. Something in the back, something right, like some, yeah, knowledge, right. They can educate you. Very invested in knowledge I think. Hold on. OK, so to be very candid in what I’m about to say, I read a post like a few years ago, a very long time ago, and it was like, if you’re the smartest person in your friend group, you need new friends. Yeah. And I always feel like I’m the smartest person in my friend group. OK, but only in. Like actual, literal, intellectual aspects, OK? Like, I have St Smarts, obviously. Like I grew up. How I grew up, I actually beside. But I have learned lessons through people that you would never even ******* expect to say the words that have came out of their mouth, you know what I mean? Right? So like, I’m a person who is going to stop for the canvassers. I’m the person who’s going to talk to the homeless people. I’m the person that’s going to listen to what the ******* crackhead has to say to me because I don’t know. What? What you’ve gone through. I don’t know what lived experience you have, and clearly you’ve gone through some ****. That I haven’t experienced. Yeah. You have a very real lived raw experience. And what knowledge could you provide me? Yeah. In order to either keep me from that point, elevate to the next point, or see the flaws in what I’m currently doing. And if I don’t feel like you can give me some sort of backbone to anything that you’re trying to, you could be talking to me about the color of paint and how paint dries. I don’t know that ****. But if I see some passion in you, some drive in you, yeah, you care about what you’re talking about. ******* with it, yeah, I think *******. That’s definitely, yeah. That’s definitely on the level that I see you at. And that’s exactly, yeah, where I see you. So you’re a good teacher, obviously not. Nothing crazy, but you’re easily bored. Your attention span is not, it’s not, it’s not big, but but when you’re under control and have self-discipline, discipline, you flourish intellectually and creatively. So when and notice I said self-discipline, stuck on that word, I said self-discipline. I did not say discipline. I said self-discipline because I’ve always known you to be a woman, that I’m not going to tell you. I
would never tell you what to do. What? I mean, like, because you’re not gonna ******* listen. You’re gonna take me into consideration, but think about it, right? But then she’s gonna go ahead and do what she gotta do, OK? And you’re a good leader, babe. But I don’t think that’s anything that’s crazy. But your son is in the first house, and that represents a concentration on the vital force to be to act and to initiate. Oh, right. I don’t know. That isn’t that crazy. Kind of crazy because it makes sense. Because, you know, you’re about it. I am. I’m action taken. Kindly. Exactly. I’m gonna do what I gotta do. Thought about that? Sorry. And that’s on. So then you have, let’s talk about your Gemini rising, because it’s a very similar type of thing. You’re very witty. You could be glib of the mouth, which means you can be very insincere. You You’re very witty, right? You have a great sense of humor. And I am girl. This is why we’re friends. Ohh. Nothing escapes your attention, right? You were a very diligent person in the scene for vigilant. Yeah, hypervigilant is one of the things that it came out. But you are very nervous and high strung. You’re an overthinker for sure. Yeah, you overthink a lot of things. So I don’t. And that’s no. But that’s doubled though. That’s doubled, which is crazy to me, like. Are you OK? Not no ohh, tripping, right. So like, and I mean, but it also like represents a way that you really do be thinking through things, right? An aspect that I think it’s absolutely beautiful about you though is your moon and Scorpio, right? And I think it’s crazy. Because you have these, like, very scrutinized signs in your chart. I do think three. I do have, like everybody thinks Geminis are *******. Everything. Scorpios are *******. Like the two most bullied signs. Yeah. No. Yeah. Oh my God. When when the higher power was
putting Johnny together, say let’s he said, they said let me create the most ****** ** person on Earth. Let’s try this it out in experiments and experiments. Have to glue some **** together and hope it’s you **** with other Geminis like other men do. You **** with Gemini men, girl? Hell no. **** no. Hmm. Well, other Gemini women. Love them. Love them. Great. But Jim and I, men I have yet to meet, a Gemini man I like. Fair. OK. Love you too. Damn you Jim and I, man. I know. Sorry, I don’t like your ***. I don’t like men. So in general, that’s true. We ain’t ******* woman. Yeah, you expect from the beginning, right? So I don’t know what to tell you, but so your moon and Scorpio gives you a very Moody and a very serious cast to your personality, right? But you are very sensual and very passionate. I did say it in the previous episode because. I think by the Yale has a Gemini Moon as well. I don’t remember if it’s a Gemini moon or a Gemini, right? Or no, not a Gemini Moon, a Scorpio moon, or or Scorpio Rising. But oftentimes scorpios are mistaken for being sexual, right? Hmm. Y’all are just passionate. Y’all just have a lot of very intense energy, and y’all are just very, very, very, very intense, right?
And like it’s, it’s incredibly like it’s it’s just very overpowering. Like you’re getting intensity, you know what I mean? Like so people and and that and that comes out with an intimacy, right. Like we mentioned earlier of it comes out in this sense of real and really like just raw passion and people get very infatuated by that. Like that’s why I feel like it’s crazy. OK, Scorpios are so infatuated. I don’t even know if that’s a word, but like. And you have a very, again, duality to you. So here comes both your Scorpio and your Gemini. You, you may like domination or control of a partner, but I also feel like you can duel it and be very like I am a very submissive person. That’s exactly what I was. Yeah. Really throws people off. But here’s my thing, right? Because when I thought about this cuz I was thinking just cuz when I saw this, I was like, yo, cuz, I know you’re very submissive. Like as a partner, you are incredibly submissive, right? And we’ve, I’ve heard these stories from you. But as a person, ohh not at all. Right, not at all. Exactly. Not even a little. No, not even a little bit like a little, not at all. I, and I mean I could see you in a like right as again as a partner, but as a person like and even in collaboration with your partner, I would still see you as the core of the relationship. Does that make sense? Like who has the last word? Oh, it’s me. So your moon is in the 6th house, and that represents emotional sensitivity with respect to issues with service to yourself and to others in the world. What does that mean? That was also what I was pondering upon. What? But this is what I came up with, right? Um. You are very sensitive in the fact of how you treat yourself and what people surround you. Ohh 100% and what energy surrounds you, right, 100%. And then you’re also very sensitive as the fact of like the people that surround you. Umm how they’re doing in life and how they’re treating themselves. Hmm, damn. What a topic. Right. So when I read this I was like, yo, I 1000% agree and believe this. And you’re very conscientious, conscientious of how to serve yourself. I am I, and it could be that Leo Venus. But I love myself, as you should. I love myself I like. Obviously I’m aware of my flaws, whatever they might be, whatever that is. I’m aware of my shortcomings. I wouldn’t call them flaws. I’m aware of my shortcomings and areas where I need to grow. But overall, I think very highly of myself. I’m my favorite. Percent so if I allow you in my space, I need you to feel that way about yourself right. And me right. Because I feel that way about you. I’m a lover, I’m and when you said like sensitivity to yourself and those around you, I if I surround myself with you, I love you. Yeah I love you. Like very deeply and passionately and like whatever relationship that. Manifest in I got you, I got you, right. And you, if you don’t feel that way about yourself or about me, I can’t **** with you. Yeah, personally, you know what I mean? And it’s like I’m a very sensitive person in general, which a lot of people. I think, don’t they? Yeah, I understand about exactly, because I do show up in the world as a very dominant person, I suppose. But I’m very sensitive and I have feelings too. I’m a human. But if you’re not gonna respect that about me nor yourself, then yeah, there’s nothing. We have to talk about it. Then we should just stay away from each other. I totally agree. And that’s who Johnny is. That’s Johnny for you. That’s who you’re listening to. That is the perspective that you’re listening to. A toxic *** *****. Like I said, wait a minute. I might have heard that before. Heard that one. The way you were like whoa wait wait, so moving on. Other than my toxic self. We have a segment that I’m introducing. We don’t know if we’re keeping it in this episode, but it’s called real talk, right? And this, this segment is where I take real world issues, real **** that’s going on in the world. And we talk about it, right? We relate it to ourselves and how we’ve gone through those things and how we kind of like experience those things within our lifetime. For today. Um, it’s so essentially see your Weiss, which is a law firm, is investigating claims that popular social media platforms like Instagram, like Facebook, have contributed to teen suicide and mental harm. And teenagers and in children. So there’s a there has been a suspected alleged correlation within as social media use has risen among teens, nearly 7097% of mental health concerns have also been risen. Between and 2018, social media may have contributed to the increase in the rate of teen suicide by 160%. So social media may contribute to this is going to sound like a medical a medical freedom fast. Yeah, like a commercial. Social media use may contribute to depression, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, hospitalization, hospitalization. This is not this is serious job. I’m sorry. And this is very serious. Sorry. Stop laughing. Sorry, it’s the voice. Sexual exploitation, self harm and suicide. Yeah. So I’m sorry we were laughing. Yeah, I laugh in the worst moment. But I I think this was interesting to talk about because I don’t know your experience within social media. Right. And I don’t necessarily think I have. Well, maybe, right. Because I’ve always thought had this thought and maybe because I didn’t really get on social media until I was in like 16 ohh name because I have a phone. And so it was like I didn’t have a phone till I was in high school either. Yeah. So so it was this thing of like, I’ve always kind of thought that like in order to be pretty, you had to be skinny, right, because I felt like I was always I, to be honest, even in my younger days, I’m a lot thicker now. I’m, I’m very much. At a weight that I wish I wasn’t. Like, I wish I had like less weight on me, right? Because I don’t feel as comfortable in this body weight as I did in previous ones. But again, you have to love myself wherever. But I always had this idea, and consistently, as I look back in moments, I looked back from a year ago, right, where I was in a very nice body shape. And now I look back and I’m like, wow, you looked gorgeous there, right? I just remember thinking that I was still fat, like I was still big, right? You know what I mean? And I would say that like, that’s because like society, and I mean specifically social media, has influenced this idea. That like you have to be this like super flat stomached hmm person to fit right and to like deserve love I guess right. So I don’t know if you. Kinda like what? My experience? Yeah, with social media, I don’t know if you’ve done like have experience that or for me. It’s kind of a slippery slope. Yeah. Like to think about it, because I wasn’t exposed to social media until, like, well into my teenage years, you know what I mean? So, like, I wasn’t, I wasn’t on any kind of social media until like sophomore year of high school to be real. Like, I was a YouTube kid and that was about it and at 1st and to be thinking about my journey with my body image. Social media wasn’t a huge. Factor in it to be completely honest. Yeah, to like, sorry parents, but like, my first bullies were really my parents, you know what I mean? Like, I came from a family that. Varied in size pretty significantly. So there was super, Super, super skinny people in my family, and then there was big people in my family. You know what I mean? Yeah. So when you would get that kind of. Disrespect from. Someone, I don’t know how to describe what I’m trying to say, but like, when you would get told that the way you look is bad from someone else and, like, you weren’t even thinking about that, then I guess, like, that’s the same with social media. You start to internalize that. And then my journey with my body image, I guess that when I did get on social media and I was like, oh, OK, because I’ve always been a big girl, you know what I mean? Like, I’ve never ever been skinny, ever. And I would say now I’m probably at my thinnest and I’m still big. You know what I mean? saying but I’ve never been a skinny girl. So I remember when I was younger I’d be like ohh I wanna be skinny, I wanna be skinny so bad. I wanna be skinny so bad. And I don’t feel that way anymore. I have no desire to be thin or like yeah I could lose weight, who cares? But it’s not something where I’m like my weight stops me from any from anything that I’ve done. You’re so well dressed dude. Thank you baby. Ohh I. And then brings me into my next point. Social media isn’t real. Racial media is not real. Not you. Don’t let a stranger ruin your ******* day, right? It’s, and I mean no shade, no tea or anything of that towards anybody struggling with anything like this, right? Because it’s very real. And I don’t want to. I don’t want to invalidate experiences. But you have to realize that none, none of this is BFR. None of this, none of this is real. It’s not. Not. None of the floating rock. Yeah, it’s like none of it’s real. None of Photoshop exists. Women are consistently. I mean, none of it is real. There’s no substance to all of this. So and then I also, my biggest beef with social media in general is that you have these keyboard warriors, right. These people would never. Say that to you in real life, right? These people would never open their mouths to say some **** like that, right? In real life. And at the end of the day, I can turn off my screen, right? I can close this laptop, I can block you, right? So why would I ever let and what I was saying earlier, when people don’t know me form opinions about me, it ****** me off. Why would I let a stranger? Dictate the way that I feel about myself and I live with myself every single day. You don’t know anything about me, you know nothing about me, you know nothing about me. You’ve seen a picture of me and it probably got a Philly on it. Yeah, it got like, I mean, and that’s for me. In all honesty, I don’t use filters for that same reason, because I just. Really my angles, first of all, OK and second of all, I just realized that I’m a very pretty person fax and like I just feel like filters change me in ways that I would not like to be changed it’s there’s such heaviness around wanting to look perfect and filters just perpetrate that, right. I mean, we live in the we live in the BBL era. Yeah we do. Like, y’all are 20 years old talking about getting HBO, like changing
your body terminate your body permanently, the rest of your to fit an aesthetic. And that just shows how strong the male gaze is. Ohh, girl. Do you know what I mean girl but it brings me to the point. Is confidence even real? Competence is real, but it’s also it’s rooted in delusion. Confidence is 100% rooted in delusion. Excuse me, but and I I can say honestly, up until probably I was about. 17 18, to be completely honest, I was very insecure with the way I looked. I thought I was pretty, don’t get me wrong, right? But I was very insecure in the for one, I’m a big girl. The amount of space I took up in the world, the way that other people thought about me in real life, I never cared about social media, but in real life, like the way I showed up around people, you know what I mean? And then eventually it just got to a point where it was like. How what’s the best way to say this where I would self talk and self affirmation is real? And I that story that you told me that you said that I said something that stuck with you, was. I was like, girl, I look like Jlo. No, the hell I don’t. Not even a little bit, nowhere. But I was looking at a photo of myself and I was like, girl, it’s giving Jlo. And I fully believed that, right? I fully believed that. Yeah. And it got to a point where I was just giving myself these such positive affirmations. And pointing out things that I liked about myself more than things that I disliked about myself. Where it came to a point where there was more pros and cons. Yeah, there was more pros than cons than the way I felt about myself. And even now, I think I’m fine as hell. I don’t know, right? Like every morning, like literally every morning I look at myself and I’m like, I’m so ******* pretty and I mean it. Yeah. And that came from a sense of delusion, almost, where I was telling myself these things at the time I didn’t believe. I didn’t think were true, but I was still telling myself these things and it came to a point where you’re just hearing this self affirmation and you start to exist in your beauty, you know what I mean? And you start to cuz beauty shines on the outside. When you feel beautiful on the inside, that **** shines through on the outside. And when I’m comfortable in the way that I look, in the way that I show up in the amount of space that I take up, whether that’s a little bit or a lot. I’m comfortable and confident in that environment and within myself, and regardless, I feel like that’s what our generation is lacking, right? Is this like, weird? We’re just we’re so focused on external validation that this internal validation is just because y’all be bad as hell and horrible people, right? Y’all be beautiful and have the ugliest soul I’ve ever seen. Ugliest personality, and I mean. I I agree with you on that point right of like. I feel like I struggled with myself recently because I have had that like, I like, I mean you know that like you ohh you look a little chubby ohh you look a little less right and I just, I’ve had a struggle with like you know what I mean finding that and at the end of the day. You’re right. There’s the days that I feel the best, that I have to be delusional of like girls like go ******* away. Like, because if I start to care about my roles, if I start to care about like, I put on a crop top in my roles are showing and my stomach is showing and I don’t like it and like my ***** are a lot bigger when I’m a little, you know what I mean? I just, I start wrapping my head around in this like ugly ugly box and like this ugly ugly. It’s not something that happens overnight. And even when you get to a point where I would consider myself extremely confident. I would say that I’m a very confident person. Does that mean I don’t have insecurities? Does that mean I don’t wake up some days and I don’t feel as confident as I did the day before? Of course, you know I’m a human, right? Things happen, but it’s being able to recover from that feeling that is so important and not sitting in that and dwelling in that and throwing yourself a pity party because you feel ugly today, girl, go do your lashes, do something that you feel pretty. Go read a book, go take a walk, put some makeup on. From a nice *** outfit and take a stroll down the street, strut it straight. Yeah. And I totally agree with you. And I feel like Maddie said it in euphoria, right. Where she’s like nobody even knows if it’s real. No one even knows if this had nobody even better. Confidence. Real confidence, right? So for this very last portion of the podcast of the pod, I like ending the every episode with something called affirmation of the day, right. It’s usually just to read or read over something or do something that. Talks about something you need to hear and something you need to tell yourself. It’s a chance for me and my co-host were from ourselves and give you an insight as to what we what we feel in our insights and what we need to affirm ourselves in so I can get us started. The love I give others is the same love I owe to myself. Hmm. I’m gonna say that one more time for the people in the back. I love putting on my like, my soft little voice. I’m like, relax it with me now. I’m gonna say it for the people in the back. The love you give to others is the same love you need to give and deserve to give to yourself. Hmm. And that’s just because like I love other people so much that it’s like it’s my turn sometimes it’s my turn, my turn like there. I like that. Mine’s not as poetic but I’ve I’ve had this week we were that was really was Bosco. Go at it. You’ve been thinking small. You need to think big, *****. Oh oh it’s time to think big, *****. You’ve been thinking small. Ohh it’s time to think big. Step into your greatness. Step into your divinity. It’s time she said that was a poetic miss, man was lying and then to it. But to do it ain’t nothing to it but to do it. OK. I keep looking up this mic. I’m sorry big I love that I yo, I ******* love that. I love our dynamic right. Because I was like I’m a terrible podcast. No changing the subject. I love it. No I love. You’re doing my segways for me must sagoo. She joked now. Well, thank you so much for being on my pod. Thank you and I appreciate you so much. And you’re such a beautiful person and I love you so much. And I I, I like, I really hope to have you on someday again. You know me, you know this was Johnny Palmer and I mean thank you for sticking with us this far. I hope you enjoyed the ride homies cuz this has been unapologetically, Isaura. Come on, harmony. Ohh, we gotta play that back.
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